(585) 388-7976 rgx2@rochester.rr.com

Elder Care Plan

Having An Elder Care Plan

Many families do not think about planning for the people who are aging in the family.  This happens in a time of crisis, after a fall, sudden illness, or injury.

Many times, medical history, allergies, or medication history have not been shared with family members.  This is vital information during a crisis.  Additionally, what are the wishes and desires of that individual themselves?  Does the family know these?

Prior planning prevents undo stress and gives all parties a sense of balance during stressful times.

Many years ago, I received a call from my step mother asking if I could pick up my uncle and take him to the hospital, as my aunt was there, and they were afraid of him driving.  My aunt soon passed away, which left my uncle alone.  All of his children lived away from home and out of state.

I drove past his home several time a week, and I would stop in to check on him.  Make sure he was taking his medications, or needed groceries.  Interestingly in the 60+ years of marriage he had never gone grocery shopping, so this was a new adventure for him.  Over a 10-year period of time I was there 2-3 times a week.  As he aged, over 85 years old, we began this conversation of what he wanted medically and when he passed away.  Yes, at first no one wants to have this conversation.  However, as people begin to think about it the conversations become easier and more comfortable.  I completed the attached form and sent it (with permission) to all of his children. Then as medical situations arose, I would keep them all informed of what happened.  Additionally, when he would need to call an ambulance, he could tell them to look on the refrigerator and all the medical information they needed was readily available.

Find a copy of my Elder Care Plan here.