(585) 388-7976 rgx2@rochester.rr.com

Here’s a very short and somewhat entertaining list of just some of our experiences while attending IME’s, as well as some examples as to why a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is imperative during the examination:

  1. So far, the shortest IME was 3 minutes from start to finish.  The longest IME lasted 5-6 hours.
  2. A client brought her children who were jumping on the physician’s furniture during the exam which distracted the physician throughout the exam.
  3. In another case, we were asked to pick a client up at her apartment.  She wasn’t answering the door.  After notifying the attorney, we were asked to go to the son’s address. That home looked vacant.  There was a notice on the door for noncompliance.  In conferring with the attorney again, we were asked to go to the IME location.  The entire experience was a 3 hour no-show.
  4. This next setting was in an overcrowded waiting room that seats about 8 people. The client, a child, was brought by his parents and their 5 children. The staff and physician didn’t know where we should wait.
  5. We were in Buffalo for this next IME.  The opposing attorney came to attend the exam.  There ensued a discussion for the attorney to realize they would not be able to be present during the exam.
  6. In the winter, a client wore a long winter coat.  He was never asked to remove his coat throughout the exam.  The physician only lifted the back of the coat to palpate the lower back.  The report from the physician had 4 pages describing the examination. The audio taping of the exam was priceless.